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Join us as we turn The Wheel of the Year at our Annual Samhain Ritual.
WHEN: Friday, October 25, Ceremony starts at 7:00pm, DOORS OPEN 6:30. We will start exactly on time.
WHERE: Fulford Hall, Salt Spring Island
2591 Fulford-Ganges Rd, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1Z4
COST: This is a free...
The quality of your herbs matters. This is because the quality of the recipe you make rests entirely on the origin of your source material. Not everyone has the luxury of growing their own garden or wildcrafting in safe, clean open areas. For this reason, I'm...
As the strength of the hot sun coaxes flowers to open, it signals ’tis the season to get busy making herbal oils.

For those new to making herbal medicines, making an herbal oil may seem an intimidating task, but rest assured, once you’ve done it, it soon...
As we move towards autumn I notice the smell in the air, the light cast by the sun, and colour of leaves take on a distinct change. I can’t believe the Autumn Equinox is just a week away— a sure sign of deepening into the the fall, which will certainly draw me more internal....
Here, in the depths of December after a fresh snowfall, the Holly Tree calls from outside my bedroom window.

I’m preparing my alter for Solstice tomorrow, I'll be hosting a ritual for 50 people. But first, tonight, a solo cermony for myself to ready my soul for the turning of the Wheel.
...I LOVE homeopathy. While sometimes our profession stands as a role that we fill in order to serve our community, for me, being a homeopath is who I am – not just what I do. I came into homeopathy by accident. In fact, I was a skeptic at first. Interestingly, I later learned that...
Happy Equinox!
What an exciting time of year! I’m breathing a sigh of relief – finally, the first fresh baby greens in the garden ready to harvest for the daily salad. And the nettle! This is the perfect time of year to be harvesting nettle tops to steam like spinach (and drink the...
I haven’t had much time to blog lately as I’ve been so busy putting in the garden and harvesting spring herbs. Here’s what I’ve been up to this week

As most Salt Spring Islanders know, nettle can be used as any other tender green one would...
Have you noticed how commonplace gluten-free products have become on our grocery store shelves? Does it seem like everyone and their cousin is now “gluten-free”?
First of all, gluten is not a grain – it’s a protein that just so...
As the heat of the sun wanes, what’s left of the harvest hangs on the boughs. Bright red hawthorn and rose hips will soon become ever-present against the muted colours of the coming winter. Their bright colour is inviting, beckoning for attention. And for good reason.

It’s not too often that I get sick with a cold or flu, but when I do I take it as an opportunity to practice what I preach and take note of what actually works. I basically study myself in the process of illness so I can learn from it.
A few days ago I came down with a very painful...
The first steps I took in the Andes of Ecuador were like walking through thick molasses. Immediately I had no choice but to slow down. Literally. Adjusting to altitude pressure is a peculiar experience. Though I wanted to move fast, I had no choice but to move in slow motion....